Joining our ambassadorship program at Students Aid Liberia Inc is a great way to show your support for the charitable trust.
You will be able to represent our organization at program, spread the word about the charitable trust and share your though to the general pupil and the world.
How can you do this?
As an Ambassador, you will have the opportunity to gain new skills, meet new group and take part in a range of activities such as:
- Promoting our campaign.
- Engaging your local community and county in our campaigns
- Attending events
- Speaking at conferences and events
Things you should be knowledge of:
An ambassador does not entitle you to a wage, this role is purely voluntary. All ambassadors are to stay in their position almost one year (1) but can be extended or terminated any time if the organization sees it fit to do so in the best interest of Students Aid Liberia organization.
Our ambassadorship is open to everyone through nomination. He or she will be the face of our organization. For any information please contact us.

T. Blama Sellie Jr. (Education Ambassador of the Year 2016-2017)